The Sports Exchange

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I hope not but after suffering a reduction of -12.5% in the number of matched bets during the last 12 months compared to previous years (using same methods), I am beginning to wonder if Betting Exchanges are in decline. The economic situation does not seem to have affected the retail sector so one can only assume that people have for one reason or another got tired with the concept and taken their bets back to the traditional bookmakers. Surprised that nobody else has mentioned this so perhaps it’s only me who has noticed a reduction in matched bets

Any comments.

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Good Stuff Ron.

Hopefully we will get some comments on this one.
It would hepl if you could say in which markets you think the decline is? Are you saying across the board?
If they are in decline then I would have thought it would apply to all markets... I work on the horses but have also been dabbling on the football during the last few months to try and compensate.
I can only speak for Betfair but I have been collecting information from their site regarding UK (not Irish) racing since 2002. One stat is the total amount of money matched on each race.. I can categorically state that this, on average, has not decreased in the last two years, although it hasn't grown much either. Personally, both on Racing, and Football, which I do not collect stats for, I have had no problem getting matched in these supposedly difficult times, and my staking levels have increased a fair bit? I guess, unless others chip in, it's only you..? One thing is for certain though, although the total may not have declined, the environment is always fluctuating, most notably on Dogs, as players join and leave, so maybe you just need to adapt to the changing circumstances..?

Dave C
I don't think liquidity has dropped, but more that it has changed. imo since the economy went t!ts up the quality of opposition you face on Betfair in particular has risen on average. That is to say, less 'mug' money is in the market as they can't afford it, while the professionals are still there and if anything (due to lack of alternative) have decided the way out of the premium charge is to simply make more, or bet more.

When I saw the title of the post my initial reaction was - numbers of users, rather than liquidity. And I think Betfair probably reached saturation point in the UK a little while ago.. I'm just guessing though, and could be completely wrong.
Yesterday I was speaking to somebody who recently left Betfair and he said that new client acquisition there is better than ever. His take is that this is due to the fact that bookmakers have become increasingly paranoid and are restricting the stakes even of losing punters.
Wow, that's good to hear. Some geezer in the NotW saying he made £20m laying horses also helps I'd imagine ;)
That’s reassuring Mike.
I was impressed with Matchbet, which I discovered only through the Sports Exchange but which is brilliant if you want to
bet based on models, which I do. My only complaint is that clicking this site's 'Exchange' button gets me into Matchbet, but I cant get back to the Sports Exchange, whereas I'd like to go back and forth. Also, first time, before I had an account, I found myself on the login screen, whereas I need to go to the main site to take an account (and this involves the usual stuff, like passport, etc, long-winded, but more and more the norm: thank you Mr. Brown!.
Yes, I agree, if you first go to Catalyst/Powertable, you would want to choose your winning result, and then Matchbet is great. To judge by their site, they are now starting up in Brazil!, and Brazilian football (if you are interested) is quite a major theme. Hopefully they'll do something on the Premiership soon.


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