The Sports Exchange

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Why can’t horse racing simply have its own Racing Channel on Freeview & Sky where punters could simply purchase a viewing card from their local supermarket for a fiver and watch Racing on Freeview or Sky for 1 month… Is this too simple!. It seems to me that the people in charge are running racing into the ground and that this would have been the easiest and most effective way of reversing their fortunes. If people can’t watch it they won’t bet on it. It’s as simple as that.

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As far as I can see Racing UK only exists to give money to Highflyer and AMRAC. It seems to be an extension of the Morning Line scenario where racing pays to have it shown on TV. Quite ridiculous that we have to pay a sub for the benefit of having bookmakers adverts, bookies reps and would be tipsters talking to us.
These people have learned nothing about the "new wave" of media and Customer Relations exemplified by Google..... Customers will put up with some adverts in return for FREE access to news categories of THEIR choice. Clued-up advertisers have gradually realised that access to these highly-focussed (pardon the pun) eyeballs is available at fair cost, per eyeball, than any other way.
Freeview TV or webcast etc etc is the way to go, emphasis on FREE, but please keep the control of who-pays-what-to-whom away from these flash-Harry, MBA-wielding, freeloading "marketeers" who infiltrate virtually every business these days. And invariably assure them that lots of free money is available for them. All they need do it turn the running of the business over to their superior wisdom and expertise!
Seen betfair go down the Customer Orientation tubes?
Noticed racing Post's new found arrogance and "pay me or else" stance?
Just steer away from them until Customer Orientation returns is my advice..
RUK threads being very heavily censored on BF now. They weren't initially but are now. That tells me that they are getting a poor response. One anecdotal saying that they are already in panic mode. What is the point of RUK anyway as none of the money goes into prize money. So not a penny back to the sport.
Propaganda, issued by those who make big profits from a continuation of the status quo, is as old as the hills.
Why wouldn't it promulgate anywhere where fresh cash can be made from dubious practiced?
Put a dead donkey in a field and watch the flies flock to it!!!!!
What matters most is... are we flies or dead meat?
Neither is particularly "nice" !!!!
I'm in the insecticide business...... NEVER a popular trade, in a room full of flies.
So I put my thoughts on the issues here and there...
How long before a DOS attack???!!!
Whats your background with BF Adonis?
Hi Brian,
I was a betfair Customer from 2001- 2008. I upset someone there by opening discussions on various methods of Time Fraud, and Betting Integrity on their General Betting "forum" up until they barred me from their "forums" in 2005.
Since then it has become my opinion that betfair spend a great deal of their time and resources pursuing the sources of any and all criticism of their activities and advertising statements - seeking to silence that critique using all means they have available. Their armoury seems large and expensive!
Some might feel (but I couldn't possibly comment) that they are particularly fearful of truth (especially their own admissions) being publicised beyond their own, generally well-screened, statements.
I copied their Legal Department on all complaints I made about their conduct and practices to the Advertising Standards Agency, Competition Commission, and the Gambling Commission. Within a week of me copying them on my complaint against their covert "bets cross-matching" to the GC citing Betting Integrity issues, they closed my account (2008).
It is fair to say that I have developed a personal loathing for their business style and general practices as well as holding a low opinion of their "interpretation" of Betting Integrity. I feel that their general behaviour (and I suspect that I'm far from alone!) is unfitting for the virtual monopoly position that they hold in what is supposedly a Regulated marketplace.
In short, I rate them very poorly in terms of Betting Integrity and Customer Orientation and feel that as a virtual monopoly, the General Public must be protected from them with vigorous diligence.
Go back 5 years and you could bet photographs on BF after the result had been called. Miles Rodgers using his girlfriend's account was not a lone instance and despite the KYC BF know it still goes on.


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