The Sports Exchange

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Tennis Trading on The French Open.

Anyone attempting to trade on The French Open Tennis watching it "LIVE" on "Eurosport should check out this website immediately.

Click on live scores. Watch the tennis on Eurosport, and watch the scoreboard for the same match on this website at the same time. You will see the website scorline change seconds before the winning shot or unforced error is made. It highlights the perils of betting on "live" events in-running, especially when these events arre on "Eurosport". This may be of interest to any members in general, not just those trading on The French Open.

The next thing to check is see how the odds on BF change before the score does on Eurosport. Fairly obvious really.

Then check whether the odds on BF are changing before the scores on the internet are changing. How "live" are the scores on the internet. There surely has to be some delay. When matches are on Sky or BBC, the internet scoreboard is rarely of any advantage. So check see if odds on BF change b4 internet scoreboard. If they do anyone trading off "Eurosport" must be getting seriously worried. One suspects some of thier "live" pictures pre-date the second world war. Why are they all using "Wooden Rackets", and who is this "Bjorn Borg" fellow. Live sport my bottom. Takes the fun out of it for me.

So if the odds on BF are changing b4 the internet scoreboard, who has the "edge". People playing "live" at the ground, or someone with access to "live feeds". Either way I hope I have made the point that trading off "Eurosport" is not an option. An incredibly quick way to the poorhouse. As they say in "Poker Circles", if you cannot work out who the mug is, it's you". Don't hold 'em, fold 'em and go to bed.

Now this is obviously a problem for the "betting exchanges" and for "tennis traders", "sports traders", or traders in general, especially anyone doing it "live" in-running. One could argue that the big betting exchanges should not be taking in-running bets on events like "The French Open", where the pictures are so far behind. It is "mugs paradise". or should that be "trading hell". I don't want to go down that route. It is up to the big "Betting Exchanges" to keep their own "house" in order, and if they are happy to skim commission off such events that is up to them. When we set up our own "Alternative Betting Exchange" we will not be taking "in-running" bets on events covered by "Eurosport". We want to become a "Punters Heaven", not a "Punters Hell". We want to make the world a better place for "punters" and everyone around the World. They say "never give a mug an even break". Well that is my intention. Give the mug an even break. Let everyone "play" on an "even-playing field". Pit your wits against your fellow punters, and may the best person win, due to theiir time and effort invested, and not because they are picking up pictures ten seconds before the "average jo or joanna". Power to the People.

I'm not finished yet. Later in the week the BBC might start covering the games, especially if "Murray" is involved. If you watch the games on Terrestial rather than Digital, you are now in a position where you should be close to an even playing field. If anyone by that point is still trading off "Eurosport", I am afraid you will end up stealing their money. If you cannot make money trading off BBC terrestial, then it is time to get "seriously worried". One are you suited to "tennis trading", and two if someone is beating BBC Terrestial then "Time Travel" is possible.

I am not sure of time differences between BBCi and BBC Terrestial. BBCi is BBC Interactive. Press the red button on Sky channel 101 to get access. I have just done this and the Serena Willimas game is actually "live" on channel one. The coverage has started already.

I could do some more "research". In fact I just have done . BBCi is ahead of the internet scorebaord. Marginal but enough to warrant a quick channel swap. When the matches go "live" on BBC terrestial you should be kicking on "gas mark two". You stiill need to check whether BF odds change b4 the score on BBC does, but even if they do you can"milk" a few quid by picking up "bits and pieces" that the big players leave behind. Of course i dissaprove of all this "cunnung manipulation", but if you are going to play it is better to position yourself as a "potential shrewdie" rather than a "potential mug".

Hope that has been of interest to some of you. ""Live and Learn", or pay the ultimate price along the way.

Bye for now. If this has been of interest let me know. I can probably add to it, time permitting, or bring a few more "BF chestnuts out of the woods".

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